Students are responsible for copying down their homework into their assignment pads at the start of each morning.  The assignment pad is a living document that will contain homework, tests coming up announcements, special events, etc. so be sure it is being checked daily.

Students will most likely receive a daily math sheet for homework.  The math assignment is a reinforcement of what was taught in class that day.  If your child is able to complete the assignment independently, then they are understanding the math concepts. That is great news! 

Looking for more math practice... 
*Practice addition and subtraction facts at home
*Log onto IXL at home and have your child work on different math activities
*Work with coins!  Count coins, exchange coins for equal values, ask for change and play store. 

Students are expected to read for at least 20 minutes a night.  A reading log will be sent home weekly (Monday morning) and is expected to be returned Friday morning.  Please initial the reading log to monitor your child's increased love of reading.

Spelling lists will be given to each student containing 10 words.  Five of the words are new word wall words and the remaining 5 words will be words that follow spelling patterns the students are learning in the Fundations program.  There will be spelling tests given each Friday and practicing these words at home is expected.  I will be giving a list of ways your child can practice the words at home so they are successful on the spelling test.