Spelling Instructions

Weekly Spelling Homework

Each week, please choose three boxes from the grid to complete. You must do box #1 (sentences) each week, but the other two choices are entirely up to you! Please write the number of the box that you choose at the top of each assignment. If the box has a star (*), have a grown-up sign the page in your spelling notebook. Make sure you use your best handwriting and check that all of your spelling words are spelled correctly!

Spelling homework will be assigned on Monday and notebooks will be collected on Thursday. You are expected to do an assignment Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights, but as long as you have three boxes turned in on Thursday, we don’t mind if you make your own schedule. We will check your homework Thursday and then give the notebook back so that you can study your words with an adult for the test each Friday.



Write 6 sentences with at least one spelling word in each sentence.


ABC Order

Write all your spelling words in ABC order.


Cut out 10 spelling words from a magazine and/or newspaper.


Write each word 3 times each.


Rainbow Words

Write all words with pencil and then trace the words in three different colors.


Visit spellingcity.com


Choose a game to play with this week’s words.


Write your words in chalk on the sidewalk or driveway.


Group all spelling words by how many syllables they have.


Write a paragraph. Include 6 spelling words.


Use your finger to write each word on a friend or family member’s back.  See if they can guess each word as you write it.


Use an Expo marker to write each word on a dry erase board.


Use a computer and type all your spelling words.


Use a dictionary and write the definition for 6 of your spelling words.


Write each of your spelling words making the consonants blue and the vowels red.


Write 10 of your spelling words as stair steps…






Use a flashlight in a dark room to “write” each word on the wall.


Use scrabble tiles or magnet letters to form each word.


Write a letter to your teacher or friend. Include 6 spelling words.


Create an illustration for 10 of your spelling words.


Roll Play-doh into long ropes.  Choose 6 words.  Form the ropes into letters and make each word.

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